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Why was Scoli to Scoli created?

I became an ASC Scoli on June 27, 2023. I'm incredibly thankful to have had this opportunity and wanted to find a way to pay it forward. This was genuinely such a life changing experience and I'm so thankful for everyone that helped me heal. During my preparation days before the surgery, the main source of my stress was trying to find things, answers, and advice from someone who had previously experienced the surgery. I would scroll through the ASC facebook support group (if you don't know what that is, check other resources it's linked there) for hours on end trying to make sure I wasn't unprepared. I started becoming aware that it was mostly parents and adult Scolis who contributed to the facebook page, and I really wanted to add something to make all the info quick and accessible for younger patients (as well as older patients) who aren't that familiar/comfortable with the flow of Facebook. I hope that by creating this page, I can save future Scolis (and their parents) some time and stress when it comes to questions, what to pack, what to buy, and all the things in between. ♡


I also just wanted to mention that I am not an expert and cannot answer questions related to the procedure itself. If you have a question that gets into the medical field, head on over to the Facebook page or send an email to the doctors. If you have a question that is not already on the Frequently Asked questions page, I'll do my best to respond and add your question to the page. Your curiosity helps future Scolis too!


On another note, as a person who loves to have things super organized, I've tried my best to make all the information super straight forward and easy to find. Hope it helps! 


About Me: Long Story Short

Hi, I'm Cait. I was diagnosed with scoliosis at 11 years old. The idea of surgery was terrifying to me, so I opted for the schroth method and a brace (cheneau-gensingen brace from Scoliosis 3DC) and wore it day and night for years. I hit my biggest growth spurt a few months into getting my first brace, and it stopped my scoliosis from getting significantly worse. Now that I'm older, I can fully appreciate what the brace did for me, even though I opted for surgery in the end. 


After graduating from my brace, I started to notice that gravity seemed more intense each year. My curve was preventing me from pursuing different sports (I used to run track and swim competitively), and left me exhausted at the end of the day. To combat this, I looked into alternative solutions like reiki and osteopathy, to which I did find temporary relief and healing from.


It wasn't until the Winter/Spring of 2023 (17 years old) that I took a significant turn for the worse, unable to exercise or make it though the day without ungodly amounts of pain. I couldn't go out with friends, barely could make it though the school day, or stand for 45 minutes without needing a 6 hour break.


I had heard of ASC from another girl I met at the hospital a few years back during a brace x-ray, and it had been on the back-burner ever since. The idea of surgery was absolutely terrifying because after all, it was the fear of having surgery that kept me going during my bracing years.


However, after talking to my parents, I decided I wanted to be realistic and talk about my future. I had a hard time seeing myself anywhere in life because I could barely make it through the day. We started to dive deeper into the world of ASC and the next thing I know, I'm in New Jersey, waking up in a hospital bed with a second chance at life.


After many hours of reflection, healing, and silence, I've decided that I want people to reach the same kind of peace that I've found, regardless of the treatment method. I want people to have options and make educated choices to best shape their future. I'm here to help. ♡


with love,



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