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What is Anterior Scoliosis Correction (ASC)?

I would like to start this off by stating that I am by no means an expert to give you details on the procedure, or compare the details between procedures designed to treat scoliosis. I encourage everyone to do their own research and find a solution that suits them best. I've linked other resources for your convenience. 

My goal is for this surgery to be introduced as a primary option when considering treatments for scoliosis. I've noticed that many people immediately jump to think 'spinal fusion' when I tell them I've had surgery and that is very much not the case. Anterior Scoliosis Correction and Spinal Fusion are two extremely different surgeries. 

I'm aiming to help people find the best solution for themselves, whether that be spinal fusion,  ASC, or non-invasive treatments (eg. bracing, schroth, physical therapy, osteopathy, etc.) I am aware that some may not be a fit for ASC, just like some are not a fit for spinal fusion. In order for the right decision to be made, I believe in education, awareness, and exploring available options.

While I couldn't educate you like a surgeon could, I can offer a very simple comparison between spinal fusion (a.k.a. the rods) and ASC. I'll do my best to explain it in "normal people terms" as one of the doctors once said :)

Spinal Fusion

connects bones with metal rods to prohibit movement with the goal of easing pain

entry site: (commonly) the back of the torso

approx. recovery time: 6 months-1 year

normal range of motion/flexibility is sacrificed

patients may not ever be able to return to certain activities

rotation and torque of the spine is not addressed, but rather forced into place without eliminating the root of the problem

Anterior Scoliosis Correction

aligns with screws and tethers that allow the spine to move fluidly post surgery

entry site: the side(s) of the torso

approx. recovery time: 6 weeks-4 months

keeps range of motion/flexibility (and can also improve it)

patients can return to desired activities, at any level

rotation and torque of the spine is addressed, allowing the spine to heal without the desire of snapping back to where it was

If this peaked your curiosity and you think this might be a solution for you, I highly encourage you to start your own research and educate yourself. Education is power. One of the first things the doctors told me when I was diagnosed was that I would need spinal fusion and that would not have been the best option for my body. It breaks my heart that so many people are told the exact same thing I was told, as if there are no other options.



My goal is making multiple treatment options accessible, not trading one for another. 

Educate yourself and help me let others know that there are other solutions.



1) Drs. ABC. “Scoliosis and Spine Surgeons | World Renowned Specialists | Institute for Spine & Scoliosis.” Institute for Spine and Scoliosis, Accessed 27 July 2023.


2) Tarpada, Sandip P., et al. “Spinal Fusion Surgery: A Historical Perspective.” Journal of Orthopaedics, vol. 14, no. 1, Mar. 2017, pp. 134–136, Accessed 13 Oct. 2021.


3) “Spinal Fusion - Mayo Clinic.”, 2019,



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