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Things to have: Upon Arrival

  • outlet extender

    • particularly helpful if you are traveling with your whole family, there are probably not going to be enough outlets for all of your devices​​


  • plush blanket

    • the hospital does have blankets, but I was so so thankful for my queen sized, fuzzy blanket from target, 10/10 would recommend ​


  • big bottle of body lotion

    • not sure if it was just me, but I felt really dry throughout my stay (especially my hands and feet)​


  • bottled water

    • very very very important to stay hydrated!!​


  • sugar-free gum

    • some nights you are going to feel like dog poop and you don't have the energy to get up from bed to brush your teeth... gum is a nice and easy way to clean out your mouth a bit


  • any food that you like to eat

    • try to think of some meals/snacks you like before surgery -- the hospital food wasn't AWFUL but definitely wasn't my favorite

    • sometimes I had a really specific appetite and only felt like I could stomach some foods, so it's good to have some of your favorite options on deck

    • especially once you get off the IV meds and switch to oral meds, you don't want to be taking those on an empty stomach. 

      • if you like the cereal Mini Wheats (high in fiber), I found that those did a really good job getting something in my stomach, especially during the night hours of pill taking

      • sometimes I would just eat 5-7 mini wheats and take my pills and go back to sleep 

      • the hospital has graham crackers and saltines if you prefer those though :)


  • shampoo, conditioner, and gentle body wash​​

    • whatever you normally put on your hair is fine, but my skin was extra sensitive and irritated after not being able to shower for more than a week. make sure your body wash doesn't irritate you at all :)

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